25 February 2009

Blog Entry: Feb. 25, 2009

Just How Critical Should I Be

I'm re-examining the social networking environments that I utilize and make the decision as to what to do with them.

Obviously this is not one of them since I am in here writing about the pursuits of social networking. Now I strongly support social networking but it is my opinion that what works is a "tribe" discussing a topic that is of interest to the tribe.

So ok, it is my blog and the question is, "What is the topic and the direction?"

Well everyone - that is what I am contemplating since I am generally always multi-tasking. Maybe tomorrow I will have a more definitive answer but for tonight and into the morning I'll think on it.

It is suppose to rain and I love grey skies and rain.
Spray the lavender and light a candle.

My favorite chess game quote is, "Don't move until you see it."

Update editing: March 8, 2023