27 August 2021

Blog Post: Littlemouse's Vision Quest journey

Littlemouse's Vision Quest journey

  1. Gathering together all the locations I have utilized over the past twenty-years.
  2. Word for Day is in draft for the moment.
  3. Sized a masthead to fit Creekside News Journal's RSS feed and published the first short article for a local news item hosted at the Creekside News Journal (CNj).
  4. And the final assignment is to gather facts together after receiving replies to a long list of FOIAs in order to write short articles regarding local governments. One fact that is clear, government needs to be transparent and reporters need to write What is transparent. Well, let's see how long it takes to sort through a tangled mess of mis-information provided by Pandemic isolation and many, many ZOOM meetings. 
It has become difficult to compete with little social groups of people that pass a story around and then utilizes a social media location where more isolated individuals grab a hold of the misinformation and add more little stitches to the story and what one is left with is the worst Quilt ever. The grandmothers should be appalled at this sloppiness. Who knows; was this what developed the Crazy Quilt?

Update editing March 8, 2023