18 May 2022

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Today, I am just trying to not miss posting during the month of May.

I woke at 4 a.m. for no apparent reason. 
Fifteen minutes later, I understood why?
The the lightning began, the thunder clapped so strong that the house shook and the windows rattled.
This went on for nearly an hour. 
I see no indication that it actually rained but, those jet streams that many meteorologists now include in their weather reports, were definitely hitting head-on at my home. 
Later today, I will check the stormchasers that I follow on Twitter in addition to news stations with meteorologists on their staff.

So, why talk about this? I can not see a section anywhere in the United States that is not effected with changing weather patterns. One should no longer say, It was a fluke. The climate has changed and "WE" are in the new normal.

Here it is May and tornadoes, floods, snow and ice, droughts, dust storms and wildfires have been a part of the news cycle and here comes hurricane season. 

Climate Change is a National issue and if you dare to get outside one's bubble, it is a Global issue, too.

Update editing March 9, 2023