20 May 2021

Word for the Day: Executive Session

Word for the Day

Executive Session

Arkansas Open Meeting Laws state:
(c) (1) Executive sessions will be permitted only for the purpose of considering employment, appointment, promotion, demotion, disciplining, or resignation of any public officer or employee. 

The specific purpose of the executive session shall be announced in public before going into executive session.

The private community of Holiday Island that operates as a Suburban Improvement District (SID) continuously reads all the reasons they can have an executive session but still fails to announce WHY?

With meetings being conducted by ZOOM; the public is dropped from the session. No idea if and when they returned to announce the Action taken or not. 
May 18, 2021 - HISID BOC (Holiday Island Suburban Improvement District Board of Commissoners)

This type of business conduct is not new due to COVID or ZOOM. There is a long history of not following Arkansas Open Meeting Laws. 

Update editing March 8, 2023