31 May 2021

Word for the Day: Special Meeting

Word for the Day: Special Meeting

In Arkansas; the government official calling a special meeting shall notify the newspapers, radio stations, television stations and anyone that has requested to be notified. Notification shall be made at least two (2) hours before the meeting takes place in order that the public shall have representatives at the meeting. The time and location for the meeting will be announced.

A special meeting is a topic meeting. 
The reason for the meeting is to be announced by the official calling for the meeting.
A quorum must be a known factor by the official calling the meeting.
No other topics are discussed and public comments remain on the specific topic.

On May 27, HISID announced in a newsletter on their website that there would be a Special Meeting (virtual) on June 1 at 9 a.m. 

There is no topic given. There a no link to join in by ZOOM, which is the only virtual form being utilized. The offices have been closed for Memorial Weekend.
Email notification was not sent to this reporter. This is normal behavior of this SID (Suburban Improvement District).

HISID (Holiday Island Suburban Improvement District)

June 1, 2021
There was NO special meeting according to the staff in the HISID office, today.

August 7, 2021

Learning that there is a special meeting on Monday, August 9 but this reporter / resident on the notification list did not receive the information directly.