13 August 2022

Editorial Opinion: White Space

I've given some thought after my last posting. Trying a little experiment.

More specifically, the refrains of using this blog environment tools for expression.

This will inspire me to clean-up this paper mess on my table.
As a senior,
 I get bombarded constantly with forms.
I haven't seen my drawing table in years now.

Over here, 
everything one was taught and trained to do 
has been altered to benefit whom?
The sheep? 
A Pod that needs a leader.
 No self expression or thinking.

Over here, are the creative minds,
expression in various formats.
The artist in you, creates the inward soul.
The political you, builds the all-inclusive others Pod.
If you do this, that Pod might not want to be there.
Now, there is conflict.

And here you are:
In the middle.
In the White Space.